List of Illustrations Conversion Index What ‘SCUBA Scoop’ Is and
Isn’t How to Read and Use ‘SCUBA
Scoop’ Covering My Tale (Disclaimer)
For the Love of SCUBA 1. What is SCUBA?
2. What’s not SCUBA?
Why should I become SCUBA certified and dive? 4. Who should not be SCUBA certified?
5. What is certification and
why do I need that C-card?
6. Can I SCUBA dive without
being certified?
7. What is SCUBA diving like
and why is it so popular?
8. How many SCUBA divers are
9. Who gets SCUBA certified?
10. Why is SCUBA attracting
more women?
11. What are the certification
levels in recreational diving?
12. In what SCUBA specialties
can I get further training?
13. Can I make a living SCUBA
14. How does diving in freshwater
compare to saltwater?
15. How about some ocean trivia?
16. What is in that SCUBA tank?
17. Why is there air and what
is air made of?
18. Can I indulge in some of
my vices underwater?
19. Once certified, how do I
avoid SCUBA burnout?
20. How can I e a s e
into SCUBA certification?
Staying Alive .. and a Few Other Lesser Concerns 21. What are my chances of getting
back aboard the boat alive?
22. What one thing should I
fear most in the water?
23. What injuries are most likely
when SCUBA diving?
24. What kills recreational
SCUBA divers?
25. Won’t sharks or giant squid
eat me or want a taste?
26. I’m prone to panic and stress.
Can I SCUBA dive?
27. I know nothing about SCUBA,
won’t they laugh at me?
28. I do not like cold water!
How do I stay warm?
29. Won’t I get trapped or sucked
down to the bottom?
30. Won’t I get run over by
some drunk in a boat?
31. What happens if I cannot
see underwater?
32. Why would anyone in their
right mind dive at night?
33. I am lucky to know down
from up; won’t I get lost?
What happens if I cannot breathe? 35. How long does a tank of
air last?
36. What happens if I need a
bio-break (wee wee)?
37. Won’t I drown if I upchuck,
sneeze, or cough underwater?
38. I just ate. Won’t I get
cramps and drown?
39. I’ve heard a lot about the
bends. What’s the skinny?
40. What’s a hyperbaric chamber
and how is it used?
41. Why don’t whales get the
42. I’m all wet. How can I become
dehydrated when diving?
43. Won’t my ears hurt when
I dive?
44. My boat just sunk. How do
I go about recovering it?
45. I have no friends. How important
is buddy diving?
46. I have lots of friends.
How do I converse underwater?
47. Will future advances make
SCUBA diving even safer?
48. I drive a Volvo. Can I be
safe diving?
The U in SCUBA .. Personal Considerations 49. Can I dive with my rubber
50. Do I have to be a good swimmer
to get my C-card?
51. Won’t I get claustrophobic
or agoraphobic when I dive?
52. I’m pretty lazy. Is SCUBA
53. I’m overweight. Can I SCUBA
54. What are the physical benefits
55. What exercises are most
beneficial for training to dive?
56. I have a physical disability.
Can I still SCUBA dive?
57. I danced to Buddy Holly.
Am I too old to dive?
58. Am I old enough to become
SCUBA certified?
59. I am (or trying to get)
pregnant. Should I SCUBA dive?
60. Can I dive during my ‘period’?
61. What other female-specific
issues are there in diving?
62. I get seasick easily. Can
I still go SCUBA diving?
63. Can I keep a non-diving
spouse & kids happy while I dive?
64. I need vision correction
to see. Is this a problem?
65. I have a medical condition.
Is it safe for me to dive?
SCUBA U. - Getting Your C-Card and E-Ticket 66. How do I start the SCUBA
certification process?
67. Is getting certified physically
or mentally difficult?
68. How long does it take to
get certified?
69. Is SCUBA certification training
70. Will I be required to buy
equipment to get certified?
71. How much does SCUBA certification
Who will certify me and which agency is the best? 73. What’s more important, Instructor,
shop, or agency?
74. What should I look for in
an Instructor?
75. My Instructor rubs me the
wrong way. Suggestions?
76. How many students should
an Instructor have in a class?
77. Can my SCUBA certified buddy
go to training sessions?
78. I do not live near the ocean.
Can I still get certified?
79. Where can I get my training?
80. What are the specific requirements
to become certified?
81. What does classroom instruction
82. Why is the maximum recreational
SCUBA depth 130 feet?
83. What is this rapture of
the deep thing (getting narc’d)?
84. Why is mandatory decompression
not taught?
85. I have heard about Nitrox.
What is it and how is it used?
86. What does the pool/confined
water instruction cover?
87. What happens during my open
water training dives?
88. What will my first open
water post-cert dive be like?
89. What is DAN (Divers Alert
Network) and should I join?
You Are Well Suited For SCUBA - Equipment Exposés 90. What does the well-dressed
SCUBA diver wear?
91. What equipment must I buy
to become certified? Cost?
92. Do I have to buy more equipment
after getting certified?
93. How about a basic open water
equipment checklist?
94. Should I buy equipment via
mail order, dive shop, or ?
95. What is a Buoyancy Compensator?
96. Tanks a lot for info on
SCUBA cylinders.
97. It takes a regulator to
pass gas. What is a regulator?
98. How much air do I need to
make a safe ascent?
99. Redundant breathing systems.
Should I get 1 or 2 or ?
100. An exposure suit sounds
kinky. What is it and how much?
101. He ain’t heavy.. Why do
divers wear weights?
102. What are dive tables?
103. Can I stay down a bit longer
with a dive computer?
104. Time flies while diving.
Can I get a slower dive watch?
105. Get to the point! What
kind of dive knife should I buy?
106. It can be dark at 130 feet.
Enlighten me on dive lights.
107. Can I use a GPS (Global
Positioning System) under water?
108. What type of underwater
homing devices are there?
109. Can I use an EPIRB while
110. What is a possibles kit?
111. Isn’t a dive log heavy?
Why should I keep one?
112. What type of dive logs
are available?
113. Once I have my own equipment
can I dive for $1?
All Suited Up and Thousands of Dives to Make 114. I’m certified! What are
the top worldwide dive sites?
115. What are the best dive
sites in my state?
Miss Your Manners - Diving Etiquette Diving Deeper into SCUBA
- Other Resources The History of SCUBA in Three
Pages Off Gassing (Glossary) SCUBA Periodicals References Index
List of Illustrations
Listings A. Parameters Defining Recreational
SCUBA Diving
B. Diving Requiring Additional
C. Reasons I Enjoy Diving
D. Those Who Should Not Become
SCUBA Certified
E. Examples of SCUBA Dives
F. Specialties Offered
to Recreational Divers
G. Comparison of Diving
in Freshwater vs. Saltwater
H. How to Rekindle the
Diving Flame
I. Primary Factors Which
Decrease SCUBA Diving Risks
J. Ways to Avoid Making
Inapproprite Dive Decisions
K. Some Signs and Symptoms
of Stress
L. Suggestions for Avoiding
Undesirable Contact with Boats
M. Potential Causes with
Solutions to Loss of Visibility
N. How to Avoid Directional
Confusion at Night When Meeting Another Group
O. Recommendations for
Avoiding DCI
P. Mechanisms Causing
Dehydration in the Diver
Q. Measures to Take to
Avoid or Minimize Ear Squeezes
R. Buddy Obligations
S. Future Enhancements
to SCUBA for Increased Safety
T. Suggestions for Safer
U. Problems Encountered
by the Obese Diver
V. Associations and Clubs
for Disabled Divers
W. Recommendations to
Extend Your Diving Years
X. Medical Checklist Questions
Needing a Physician’s OK
Y. Absolute Contraindications
to Diving
Z. Relative Contraindications
to Diving
AA. Factors Determining
Time Necessary for Certification
AB. Qualities to Consider
in Choosing an Instructor and Course
AC. Some of the Requirements
Likely for Certification
AD. Sample of Topics Covered
in Classroom Instruction
AE. Advantages of Using
AF. Disadvantages of Using
AG. Pool Instruction Likely
AH. Why the Beginning
Diver Should Purchase Equipment from a Dive Shop
AI. Common SCUBA Tanks
Used in the U.S.
AJ. Some Pros and Cons
of Aluminum vs. Steel Tanks
AK. Functions/Information
Available from Most Dive Computers
AL. Features to Look for
in a Quality Dive Watch
AM. Some Key Characteristics
of a Dive Light
AN. Some Reasons for Maintaining
a Current Dive Log
AO. Additional Worldwide
Sites to Whet Your Diving Appitite
Figures A. PADI C-card
B. The Human Ear
C. Certification Cost Checklist
D. Requirements for Open Water
Certification by Agency
E. SCUBA Equipment
F. SCUBA Equipment
G. SCUBA Equipment (back view)
Open Water Equipment Checklist I. Dave Waller’s Table on Air
J. Wet Suit Styles
K. Dry Suit Styles
L. U.S. Navy Dive Table
M. Example of a Dive Log Page
N. Examples of Stamps from Log
O. Some of the Better Novice
Dive Locations in the World
P. Worldwide Dive Locations
Q. Best Dive Sites by State
R. Dive Shops Participating
in Best Dive Site by State Survey